
You can book me in the following ways:

Kent mobile massage: Book online using the button below. Alternatively you can call or email.

London Gallions Reach mobile massage: Book by calling or email – online bookings are not available for London visits.

Please read the information below before booking!

How long should I book for my treatment? Please use the guide below.

45 minutes: 45 minute sessions are available for chair based massage which focuses on the back, shoulders, neck and arms.

60 minutes: 60 minute sessions are suitable for an initial sports massage assessments and treatment, and as maintenance for ongoing conditions or injuries that require regular sessions using multiple technique’s. Sixty minute bookings are also suitable for a shorter top to toe relaxing massage.

90 minutes: 90 minutes are optimal for those who have multiple issues that require more time to treat multiple areas using a variety of massage techniques, stretching, and exercises for recovery and rehabilitation. Longer sessions are also advised for the relaxing top to toe massage to enable more time and attention on the whole body.

What happens once I book? Once booked in you’ll receive a confirmation email and a short online consultation and consent form to complete. This information is a requirement by my professional body and for me to be able to view any health issues for any potential contraindications to massage. Please complete this information at least 48 hours before your booking so I have time to view your forms and book a pre booking consultation where I can answer any questions or concerns about your treatment.

Payment: A deposit of 50% is required via bank transfer at the time of booking. Your booking is not confirmed until I receive your deposit and your slot may be filled by another client if payment is not received within 24 hours of booking.

Parking and location: Due to the size and weight of my equipment I need to park outside your home or hotel location, not streets away! If you are in a hotel any parking expenses will need to be covered by you as an additional cost. I am unable to visit you if you have more than 1 flight of stairs with no lift access.

Please note that I require a minimum 48 hours notice for bookings and do not accept same day bookings.

Please wear comfortable clothes such as a t-shirt and jogging bottoms and don’t consume a meal for a least an hour before your treatment!

Cancellation policy: You will be forfeit your 50% deposit if less than 24 hours notice is given for a cancellation.